Martina Bezoušková
Psychologist for caregivers, for people in crisis and difficult life situations. With experience in individual and group work with clients and leading a crisis hotline.
I see caregiving for loved ones in the family as a part of life. As a journey that any of us can embark on. I feel a great professional responsibility in supporting my clients.
My path to caregiving began with many years of helping mothers in adverse life situations. I graduated from a socio-legal school and then studied psychology and special education. After my studies, I began focusing on counseling for women and their families. I completed a 5-year psychotherapeutic training in PCA. Continuous education is an essential part of my profession. In my practice, I use experiences from the counseling center where I worked for over 15 years, as well as from my work as a coordinator of a crisis hotline. I led its professional team for many years. Through helping families with children in crisis, I had the opportunity to pass on my experiences through discussions for parents and later to educate workers in organizations. Here, I can see how my interest in various life stages of a person in its entirety, from childhood to old age, was addressed. The demands of different life stages continue to fascinate me, and I enjoy observing and uncovering their challenges. From supporting young families, I gradually moved to working with the so-called sandwich generation and seniors, and for the last 6 years before founding Pečujtee, I worked in the Center for Informal Care.
I humbly observe the life stories of my clients and appreciate the opportunity to look into them. I try to find good solutions together with them during the time I become their guide on their journey. The goal of our cooperation should be to make their lives easier. Families turn to me in acute crisis situations but also those who need long-term accompaniment. Often, caregiving requires all the time and physical strength of those who care, their quick decision-making, determination, and involvement. It often also requires self-denial and dealing with their own, often turbulent emotions. In my work, I strive to support caregivers as needed, with the goal of maintaining the quality of their lives. And to make all the demands of caregiving manageable and sustainable.
In my practice, I draw not only from professional education and the wealth brought by the life stories of my clients but also from my own everyday life. I have been given a child with a disability, which enriches, activates, but also teaches me. At the same time, I am at an age when my parents are also aging and have their specific needs, and the role of a caregiving daughter is an inseparable part of my life.
In life, I try to always move forward, to look around, to draw from the experiences that life brings me, and to continue developing. And not only as a psychologist but also as a mother, partner, daughter, and friend.
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Martina Bezoušková