Has your partner fallen ill and you don't know what financial help you are entitled to for a serious illness?

Here is an overview of financial support.

If your partner becomes ill and you become the main carer, you may be entitled to the following forms of financial support:

Carer's Allowance - this is payable to someone who has long-term reduced independence. Your partner must therefore submit the appropriate form, which will start the process of awarding the amount of Carer's Allowance (4 stages).

Long-term care allowance - you apply for this short-term form of financial help from your employer by filling in a form and meeting the basic conditions for entitlement. The benefit period is a maximum of 90 calendar days and begins on the first day you develop a need for long-term care. The amount of the long-term care benefit is 60% of the reduced daily assessment base per calendar day.

Financial relief - you are eligible when you hold a disability card, which must be applied for in writing.

Other options for financial assistance when your partner is seriously ill include: 

  1. material hardship assistance
  2. Housing benefit
  3. mobility allowance.

You do not need to be familiar with all the entitlements. Contact the experts to guide you through the process.

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