Why is psychological help necessary when caring for a loved one?

An expert can help you more in-depth and a specialist in this area knows what to look for.

You've been in a difficult situation caring for a close family member and you need advice... But how do you do that if you're not used to confiding, let alone to a specialist? 

Here are some of the differences between the support you get from a psychologist and the well-meaning advice of a friend. We do not exclude the help of a friend. But what, on the other hand, is the difference in psychological help when caring for loved ones?

Expertise and education. A psychologist has training and experience in mental health. This enables him or her to provide specialized help. A friend, on the other hand, will offer a personal opinion or experience but may not have the appropriate expertise. 

Objectivity. The psychologist offers an independent and objective perspective on the situation. A friend may be emotionally involved and thus have a limited view of your situation. 

Professional insight. The psychologist has access to a variety of therapeutic techniques and strategies tailored to your situation. A friend will provide support based on their experience, but may not know professional methods. 

Confidentiality. The psychologist is committed to professional ethics and confidentiality. He or she therefore guarantees confidentiality and a safe space, allowing open communication without fear of judgment or misuse of information. With a trusted friend, it can be different.

Psychological support in caring for loved ones plays a significant role in coping with stress and in emotionally challenging caregiving situations. So don't be afraid to seek the help of a professional to provide such expert support. They will not only find ways for you to effectively manage difficult times, but also help you maintain your mental health and quality of life.

A team of professionals will take care of you

Petra Kýhosová

Petra Kýhosová

Guide for caring families, bereavement counsellor and palliative counsellor with experience in facilitating support groups.

Martina Bezoušková

Martina Bezoušková

Psychologist for caring people, for people in crisis and difficult life situations. Experienced in individual and group work with clients and running a crisis telephone line.

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Answers to the most common questions

Anyone dealing with the care of a loved one can contact us. We accompany individuals, couples and entire families. Our approach is individual, so it depends on the specific situation and needs of the client.

You can find us in Prague. We provide our services in the whole territory of the Capital City of Prague and its surroundings. We can come to your home, place of residence or you can come to our premises. We are not opposed to any other place of your choice. And if it is not possible to meet in person, we will establish cooperation over the phone and look for ways to make arrangements. We also work online.

The initial telephone interview is free of charge. Subsequently, the client pays based on the provided service either individual consultations - 900 CZK/hour or in case of longer-term cooperation we agree on the so-called package price. This is tailored to the client's needs.

You can contact us via the web contact form and we will call you back to arrange an initial consultation. Together we will map out your needs and offer possible scenarios for further cooperation and outline available sources of assistance. Consultations take place in person at our premises, at your home, at work or by phone or online.

We enter into cooperation after a common agreement and with precisely specified services. We offer you accompaniment in the care of your loved one for as long as it is needed. Our care can be long term and flexible depending on what is happening and what you need. We are available for times when care is purely up to you, but we also look for formal support options. Should your loved one pass away, we are ready and qualified to accompany you through the grieving period as well. This too makes sense to us.

Stories of our clients

I'm grateful to have met you.

Petra, you've been a great support to me from the beginning

Without Martina, I'd probably end up in the hands of other professionals.

I thank Martina for helping me work with the "good girl" in me

It would be very difficult for me to take care of my mother (88) without you

Caring for others can be debilitating

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